How to Contact the Tribal Cemetery
Jim Battese,
Email: jbattese@miamination.com
Phone: (918) 541-1351
Tera Hatley,
Manager of Member Services
Email: thatley@miamination.com
Phone: (918) 541-1324
Mission Statement
The Myaamia Heritage Cemetery is located at 51908 E. 30 Rd., Miami, OK 74354 on 8 acres of the Nation's trust lands situated in the north-central part of the Miami jurisdiction area.
In 2009, an additional 20 acres east of the cemetery was purchased for future cemetery expansion. This land includes the small cemetery where some of our ancestors are buried.
The cemetery layout enters from the east and includes a circle drive in the center of the grounds where an arbor stands. A Chiefs' Stone is located at the front of the arbor. The arbor can be used for burial gatherings or for families visiting the cemetery.
The cemetery is available to Miami Tribe members, spouses and children at no cost for plots. Members should contact Tera Hatley in the Tribal Enrollment Office to reserve a burial plot/lot.
The cemetery is managed by the Tribe with James Battese serving as Cemetery Manager.
Four Tribal Members serve on the Cemetery Committee: James Battese, Chairman; Tera Hatley, Secretary; Donya Williams, and George Strack. The Cemetery Committee provides oversight of cemetery policy, rules, and regulations.