How to Contact the Tribal Historic Preservation Office
Section 106 Consultation,
Email: THPO@miamination.com
Logan York,
Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
Email: lyork@miamination.com
Phone: (918) 541-7885
Jared Nally,
Deputy Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
Email: jnally@miamination.com
Phone: (918) 325-2534
Diane Hunter is the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and a citizen of the Tribe. She is a descendant of the Miami family of Seekaahkweeta and Palaanswa (Francis Godfroy), through their son Waapanakiikaapwa (Gabriel Godfroy). A Hoosier, Diane was born in Indianapolis and raised in Wabash County. She has a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University and master's degrees from Ball State University and Georgetown University. Diane came to work for the Tribe in 2015, when the Tribe opened a Cultural Resources Extension Office in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
<strong>Email:</strong><span style="color: #800000; word-break: break-word;"> <a style="color: #800000;" href="mailto:dhunter@miamination.com">dhunter@miamination.com</a></span> <strong>Phone:</strong> <span style="color: #800000;"><a style="color: #800000;" href="tel:918-541-8966">(918) 541-8966</a></span>
Mission Statement
The Miami Tribe of Oklahoma's Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) is responsible for the protection and preservation of culturally significant properties of concern to Myaamiaki (Miami people) and our history. The THPO is located in Fort Wayne, Indiana to address issues related to Miami people in our aboriginal homelands.
States in which the THPO consults include Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma.

About the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer:
Logan York
is the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and a citizen of the Tribe. Growing up in Kansas and Missouri, Logan regularly attended tribal events, stomp dances, and language camps. He has a bachelor’s degree from Miami University in Anthropology with minors in History and Archaeology. Logan came to work for the Tribe in April of 2022 after previously working for Rebecca Hawkins, the consulting archaeologist for the Miami Tribe. As THPO, he is part of the Cultural Resources Office team that is located in the Miami ancestral homelands.
Jared Nally
is the Deputy Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and a citizen of the Tribe. Jared grew up in Kansas and attended Haskell Indian Nations University where he received a bachelor’s degree in Indigenous and American Indian studies. Jared continued his education at Miami University as an Aanchtaakia Graduate Fellow at the Myaamia Center and received a master’s degree in environmental science and a graduate certificate in conservation biology. Jared works out of the Cultural Resources Extension Office located in Fort Wayne, Indiana where he can better serve to protect cultural resources in the Miami ancestral homelands.
Role of the THPO:
- Conduct reviews of U.S. federal agency undertakings on lands of Tribal interest, including Tribal Trust lands and ancestral homelands, according to the National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106. Please send consultation requests and project notifications to THPO@MiamiNation.com.
- Provide educational programs on the significance of preserving these lands and on the history and contemporary presence of the Miami Tribe. Please contact us to schedule a presentation for your group.
- Identify and maintain culturally significant properties pertaining to the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma.
- Nominate properties to the National Register of Historic Places and the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma National Register of Historic Properties.
In 2009 the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma was approved by the National Park Service (NPS) for status as a Tribal Historic Preservation Office under section 101 d 2 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The Program, referred to as THPO (Tribal Historic Preservation Office), is an NPS directive that allows federally-recognized tribes to assume the duties of the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) on Tribal lands. THPO guidelines call for the appointment of a Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, also referred to as a “THPO.” Tribal citizen Logan York now serves in this position.
The Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Program is funded through an annual renewing grant from the National Park Service Tribal Preservation Program.
During the 175th year after the 1846 Forced Removal of the Miami Tribe, former THPO Diane Hunter wrote a series of blog posts following the history of that event and events leading up to it. To read about the Miami Forced Removal, you can go to this Aacimotaatiiyankwi Myaamia community blog post.
A few talks by former THPO Diane Hunter are available on YouTube at:
Indigenous Knowledge Lecture Series: Diane Hunter of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma
Miami Nation talks about impact of 1846 removal (Kokomo, Indiana)
Myaamiaki – A Living People With a Past (Indiana Historical Society)
Myaamiaki ‘Miami People’: A Living People with a Past (Tippecanoe County Historical Society)
Native American Meeting Video 5
Water|Ways Speaker Series: Miami Indians and Their Connection to the River
You can follow the activities and travel of the THPO on Instagram @Tales_of_the_Miami_THPO.